The tide is turning.

Quote from CDF Patriot on August 29, 2020, 5:57 PMQuote from HQ_Admin on August 29, 2020, 4:00 PMAgreed, and by "Democrats" I'm talking about Democrat leadership, which puts out the call to whatever message they've decided for the talking heads to push. I am not referring to good Americans who carry the (D) beside their name because they thought the Democrats represented working people (which maybe they did, many years ago, but now they represent America-hating). And the America-hating, riot-supporting crap is the reason they're fractured; they're not smart enough in leadership to understand that.
In any case, I think what used to be Liberals (which is why I now use the expression "Leftists"...because Liberals are now in OUR tent) are now the center, even center-right. The radicals who are represented by Democrat leadership have no idea how strong and large the silent majority now is. That's the only advantage we have--because they're prepared to fight, are willing to, and are going to. We can't even get a freakin' prosecution of criminals out of our side.
If we want to line up neatly the opposing sides in this struggle goes
Traitors :Chinese communists ( by proxy for now ), Democrats ( on behalf of the Chinese communists),Globalist Rino Republicans, Mega Banks, Globalists ( Soros, Gates, etc), Hollywood, Mainstream ( Fossil) Press and Media, Big Tech, States Attorneys funded by Soros, Antifa, BLM, MS 13, Opportunistic Looters and Thugs
Patriots: President Trump, Freedom Caucus Republicans, Huge silent majority of Patriotic Americans, Militias, Civilian Defense Force
Listing it out like this is not to discourage any Patriot on this site. We just need to be prepared knowing how massive, well funded and entrenched the traitorous evil forces are that we are standing up against are. I have observed, as a student of history, one of the biggest mistakes an army can make is underestimating their enemies will and their enemies resources. For example, all over Europe in the summer of 1914, men in Germany , Russia, England and France cheered at the prospect of war confident it would all be over by Christmas 1914. World War I ended officially on November 11, 1918.
We must be prepared to deal with the prospect that it may take years and not months to end this communist insurrection.We must be prepared to deal with the prospect that some of us ( and our loved ones) may not live to see this communist revolution/ communist civil war ended with a Patriot victory. Right now I am praying to Lord Jesus Word in Psalm 91: 5-8 ( I am praying mightily on Psalm 91 for all Patriots in Civilian Defense Force whether you are a Christian or not. We are all in this together standing up against evil.)
"You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked."
Quote from HQ_Admin on August 29, 2020, 4:00 PMAgreed, and by "Democrats" I'm talking about Democrat leadership, which puts out the call to whatever message they've decided for the talking heads to push. I am not referring to good Americans who carry the (D) beside their name because they thought the Democrats represented working people (which maybe they did, many years ago, but now they represent America-hating). And the America-hating, riot-supporting crap is the reason they're fractured; they're not smart enough in leadership to understand that.
In any case, I think what used to be Liberals (which is why I now use the expression "Leftists"...because Liberals are now in OUR tent) are now the center, even center-right. The radicals who are represented by Democrat leadership have no idea how strong and large the silent majority now is. That's the only advantage we have--because they're prepared to fight, are willing to, and are going to. We can't even get a freakin' prosecution of criminals out of our side.
If we want to line up neatly the opposing sides in this struggle goes
Traitors :Chinese communists ( by proxy for now ), Democrats ( on behalf of the Chinese communists),Globalist Rino Republicans, Mega Banks, Globalists ( Soros, Gates, etc), Hollywood, Mainstream ( Fossil) Press and Media, Big Tech, States Attorneys funded by Soros, Antifa, BLM, MS 13, Opportunistic Looters and Thugs
Patriots: President Trump, Freedom Caucus Republicans, Huge silent majority of Patriotic Americans, Militias, Civilian Defense Force
Listing it out like this is not to discourage any Patriot on this site. We just need to be prepared knowing how massive, well funded and entrenched the traitorous evil forces are that we are standing up against are. I have observed, as a student of history, one of the biggest mistakes an army can make is underestimating their enemies will and their enemies resources. For example, all over Europe in the summer of 1914, men in Germany , Russia, England and France cheered at the prospect of war confident it would all be over by Christmas 1914. World War I ended officially on November 11, 1918.
We must be prepared to deal with the prospect that it may take years and not months to end this communist insurrection.We must be prepared to deal with the prospect that some of us ( and our loved ones) may not live to see this communist revolution/ communist civil war ended with a Patriot victory. Right now I am praying to Lord Jesus Word in Psalm 91: 5-8 ( I am praying mightily on Psalm 91 for all Patriots in Civilian Defense Force whether you are a Christian or not. We are all in this together standing up against evil.)
"You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked."

Quote from HQ_Admin on August 30, 2020, 10:40 PMHere's the "retraction" of my initial optimism. This was posted to the front page for a few days, but it's time to bring it down and use the space for more important work. I didn't want it to not be able to be seen though, so I'll post it here.
It is with a profoundly sad heart that I must backtrack the optimism I expressed just two days ago (shown below), and in fact double down on the original fears that prompted the creation of the Civilian Defense Force in the first place.
A couple of days ago Democrats, who to that point had refused to condemn the rioting and looting that was taking place across American cities, suddenly altered course and widely announced “rioting/violence bad”. This is presumably because they saw the new polling which showed they are taking a beating on the issue, so they made a feeble attempt to back off from it. I took this to be a sign that they’d seen the error of their ways. I should have known better.
Sadly, within the 48 hours since (and presumably because they realize they’re already beaten so they might just as well tear it all down) they changed course yet again; now they’re attempting to paint the violence as “Trump’s fault”. They’re referring to it as “Trump’s America” and trying to frame it as what life is like under President Trump. How convenient–start the crap, fan the flames, get the country burning, and the blame it on the sitting President. Straight out of their wicked playbook.
The problem is the “fanning the flames” part. They’re back at that in spades, and they’ve even announced that when the election is over, if they haven’t won it’s going to get worse. They’ve ADMITTED, in their way, that they’ll burn it all down if they don’t get what they want. It’s sedition/insurrection, but we all know there will be no legal steps taken to prevent it or punish any of the people (Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris, among others) who are pushing/promoting it. And goodness knows George Soros will walk free until he stops breathing.
This means, without doubt, that it’s going to get worse. Much worse. It’s going to INCREASE leading into election day, not decrease (as my previous optimism had hoped), and when Trump is re-elected the nation will be set ablaze. Of this there is now no doubt in my mind.
We won’t be ready by then–there’s no way for us to be–but we have to try nonetheless. We have to accelerate everything, work ten times harder than we have, and if you’re the praying type–pray.
“Real life” issues hamper all of us from time to time–myself included. I’ve been having to deal with a few of those over the last few days, and will again this weekend–but I’m forcing myself back into the “sleep three hours” mode I was functioning on when this project was being contemplated and initialized.
We have work to do, all of us. Especially me.
Try not to worry. Work hard. FOCUS. The time is now to activate whatever Patriot spirit you have, and help others to do the same. America hangs in the balance.
Here's the "retraction" of my initial optimism. This was posted to the front page for a few days, but it's time to bring it down and use the space for more important work. I didn't want it to not be able to be seen though, so I'll post it here.
It is with a profoundly sad heart that I must backtrack the optimism I expressed just two days ago (shown below), and in fact double down on the original fears that prompted the creation of the Civilian Defense Force in the first place.
A couple of days ago Democrats, who to that point had refused to condemn the rioting and looting that was taking place across American cities, suddenly altered course and widely announced “rioting/violence bad”. This is presumably because they saw the new polling which showed they are taking a beating on the issue, so they made a feeble attempt to back off from it. I took this to be a sign that they’d seen the error of their ways. I should have known better.
Sadly, within the 48 hours since (and presumably because they realize they’re already beaten so they might just as well tear it all down) they changed course yet again; now they’re attempting to paint the violence as “Trump’s fault”. They’re referring to it as “Trump’s America” and trying to frame it as what life is like under President Trump. How convenient–start the crap, fan the flames, get the country burning, and the blame it on the sitting President. Straight out of their wicked playbook.
The problem is the “fanning the flames” part. They’re back at that in spades, and they’ve even announced that when the election is over, if they haven’t won it’s going to get worse. They’ve ADMITTED, in their way, that they’ll burn it all down if they don’t get what they want. It’s sedition/insurrection, but we all know there will be no legal steps taken to prevent it or punish any of the people (Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris, among others) who are pushing/promoting it. And goodness knows George Soros will walk free until he stops breathing.
This means, without doubt, that it’s going to get worse. Much worse. It’s going to INCREASE leading into election day, not decrease (as my previous optimism had hoped), and when Trump is re-elected the nation will be set ablaze. Of this there is now no doubt in my mind.
We won’t be ready by then–there’s no way for us to be–but we have to try nonetheless. We have to accelerate everything, work ten times harder than we have, and if you’re the praying type–pray.
“Real life” issues hamper all of us from time to time–myself included. I’ve been having to deal with a few of those over the last few days, and will again this weekend–but I’m forcing myself back into the “sleep three hours” mode I was functioning on when this project was being contemplated and initialized.
We have work to do, all of us. Especially me.
Try not to worry. Work hard. FOCUS. The time is now to activate whatever Patriot spirit you have, and help others to do the same. America hangs in the balance.

Quote from cb85 on August 30, 2020, 11:00 PMMaybe i should go back to the original plan and buy a cabin in the middle of nowhere and wait for the fires to go out while feasting on freeze dried food........
sigh there are no good answers.
Defend yourself and live just for the legal system to be used as a wepon to destroy you any way, or just die fast right away.
Maybe the police will just refuse to arest innocent americans just defending themselves... nope. That didnt work when an anonymous acusation was made against us and cps turned up and took our kids from us while men with badges and guns stood by thereby violationg our right for our things or ppl under our care to be secure in our home and persons!!!
No money to pay for a decent lawyer... to bad! Just do whatever the tyrants say cuz your too poor to fight it.
Point in fact if your not well connected or loaded. Your gonna get bent over the table and screwed till your bleeding all down your legs.
Maybe i should go back to the original plan and buy a cabin in the middle of nowhere and wait for the fires to go out while feasting on freeze dried food........
sigh there are no good answers.
Defend yourself and live just for the legal system to be used as a wepon to destroy you any way, or just die fast right away.
Maybe the police will just refuse to arest innocent americans just defending themselves... nope. That didnt work when an anonymous acusation was made against us and cps turned up and took our kids from us while men with badges and guns stood by thereby violationg our right for our things or ppl under our care to be secure in our home and persons!!!
No money to pay for a decent lawyer... to bad! Just do whatever the tyrants say cuz your too poor to fight it.
Point in fact if your not well connected or loaded. Your gonna get bent over the table and screwed till your bleeding all down your legs.

Quote from HQ_Admin on August 30, 2020, 11:36 PMThe good news is that it's always been this way; this is the story of humanity, from the dawn of human history. The strong (and wealth makes you "strong") run over the weak. So we're not experiencing anything that billions before us haven't experienced already.
The really good news is that we're Americans. Whether or not that really means anything in the "real" world as it exists right now, it means something to us. Even if the idea of "being an American" that we are carrying is wildly inaccurate, it's a crazy notion that millions upon millions of us have, and it's not going anywhere. In fact, you can actually feel it spreading amongst those who are sick to death of watching what's going on in this country. These "new Patriots" heard the stories of Thomas Jefferson, Nathan Hale, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Samuel Adams. Those stories just didn't register for them until now. Better late than never.
And for those of us who've carried the American delusion with us for our entire lives, we ain't willing to let it go. And we're not going down without a fight.
Wanna know a secret? I've sat across the table from asshole politicians. I've known many asshole cops, and even more asshole firemen (it's true!). But even with the collection of assholes I've known, I still don't want to destroy the government, defund the police, or disband fire companies. We're an imperfect country, but still better than any other in history. We have miles of improvement to make--can't that be said of every government, every person, on the planet?--but there is no better place on this Earth, now or at any point in history, to undertake those improvements.
And for all intents and purposes I DO live in a cabin. My homestead is entirely self-sufficient, with everything from raising our own meat to producing our own energy, collecting and treating our own water to providing our own heat in the wintertime. I have food stores to last for months on end; a medicine chest stocked to the ceiling; plenty of guns and ammo. A good dog who'll let me know about intruders so I can tear them a new one (if he doesn't first). I'm as certain as the sunshine that I could ride out whatever is coming and be just fine.
But I'm an American. To me that still means something, just as it does to all of you.
We're not quitting. We're not giving in, or giving up without a fight.
Joe Biden and the Democrats are worried about polling; they should be worried about me, and the millions like me, because we're going to vote and we're going to do our best to pull this country out of this tailspin by every non-violent means possible...
...but when it comes down to it, we're going to light it up, and ANTIFA and the rest of the Leftist wanna-be warriors are going to be sent running like their heads are on fire and their asses are catching.
Because we're Americans, and even if everything we believe is a complete myth, the fact is we believe it, just as we should. That makes this our country, and I'll be damned if some old billionaire and his army of green-haired soy boys is going to take it from us while I'm still around.
And I'm sure you feel the same.
The good news is that it's always been this way; this is the story of humanity, from the dawn of human history. The strong (and wealth makes you "strong") run over the weak. So we're not experiencing anything that billions before us haven't experienced already.
The really good news is that we're Americans. Whether or not that really means anything in the "real" world as it exists right now, it means something to us. Even if the idea of "being an American" that we are carrying is wildly inaccurate, it's a crazy notion that millions upon millions of us have, and it's not going anywhere. In fact, you can actually feel it spreading amongst those who are sick to death of watching what's going on in this country. These "new Patriots" heard the stories of Thomas Jefferson, Nathan Hale, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Samuel Adams. Those stories just didn't register for them until now. Better late than never.
And for those of us who've carried the American delusion with us for our entire lives, we ain't willing to let it go. And we're not going down without a fight.
Wanna know a secret? I've sat across the table from asshole politicians. I've known many asshole cops, and even more asshole firemen (it's true!). But even with the collection of assholes I've known, I still don't want to destroy the government, defund the police, or disband fire companies. We're an imperfect country, but still better than any other in history. We have miles of improvement to make--can't that be said of every government, every person, on the planet?--but there is no better place on this Earth, now or at any point in history, to undertake those improvements.
And for all intents and purposes I DO live in a cabin. My homestead is entirely self-sufficient, with everything from raising our own meat to producing our own energy, collecting and treating our own water to providing our own heat in the wintertime. I have food stores to last for months on end; a medicine chest stocked to the ceiling; plenty of guns and ammo. A good dog who'll let me know about intruders so I can tear them a new one (if he doesn't first). I'm as certain as the sunshine that I could ride out whatever is coming and be just fine.
But I'm an American. To me that still means something, just as it does to all of you.
We're not quitting. We're not giving in, or giving up without a fight.
Joe Biden and the Democrats are worried about polling; they should be worried about me, and the millions like me, because we're going to vote and we're going to do our best to pull this country out of this tailspin by every non-violent means possible...
...but when it comes down to it, we're going to light it up, and ANTIFA and the rest of the Leftist wanna-be warriors are going to be sent running like their heads are on fire and their asses are catching.
Because we're Americans, and even if everything we believe is a complete myth, the fact is we believe it, just as we should. That makes this our country, and I'll be damned if some old billionaire and his army of green-haired soy boys is going to take it from us while I'm still around.
And I'm sure you feel the same.

Quote from cb85 on August 31, 2020, 12:06 AMIm fighting for the lesser of two evils. Granted the diffrence is between them is massive.
Still though the current state of our system sucks.
We simply dont have enough representation in our government.
I want it back to 1 representitive for every 10,000 rather than the 350,000 we have now.
Disband the unelected administrative state.
Im fighting for the lesser of two evils. Granted the diffrence is between them is massive.
Still though the current state of our system sucks.
We simply dont have enough representation in our government.
I want it back to 1 representitive for every 10,000 rather than the 350,000 we have now.
Disband the unelected administrative state.

Quote from HQ_Admin on August 31, 2020, 2:06 AMThat's how New Hampshire does it...and it's all volunteer--their state legislature doesn't get paid.
That's how New Hampshire does it...and it's all volunteer--their state legislature doesn't get paid.

Quote from WCETECH on September 1, 2020, 7:20 PMThis is why the Dems are now going after the USPS funding and Trumps false defunding of it.
They are storing up as much fodder as they can to contest the election and try to tie up the swearing in as long as possible and if Trump is sworn in restart the impeachment process claiming he tampered with the election.
The only problem they have is the House, they promised a lot to get the majority in the house, they didn't deliver squat, their base is not only upset they are disillusioned because they have no where else to turn to, they once again pissed off the youth vote by screwing Bernie, Biden is a non-starter even with jumper cables connected and Harris is not polling well with blacks, they know her history of sending many black men to prison while blowing her way to the top.
If they lose the House and don't take the Senate and Presidency their in deep chit, luckly for them the Repubs have no ba**'s and unlike the Dems won't get even once they get in power.
But then there's Trump, you can love him or hate him but it needs to be understood he's a very dangerous person when it comes to business, he doesn't take hostages, he gets even and to him getting even is to totally destroy anyone who attacks him, it might not happen tomorrow, or even in a year, but when it happens the person who crossed him will think the sun blew up in his face.
And that's the kind of guy I think we need running the US.
This is why the Dems are now going after the USPS funding and Trumps false defunding of it.
They are storing up as much fodder as they can to contest the election and try to tie up the swearing in as long as possible and if Trump is sworn in restart the impeachment process claiming he tampered with the election.
The only problem they have is the House, they promised a lot to get the majority in the house, they didn't deliver squat, their base is not only upset they are disillusioned because they have no where else to turn to, they once again pissed off the youth vote by screwing Bernie, Biden is a non-starter even with jumper cables connected and Harris is not polling well with blacks, they know her history of sending many black men to prison while blowing her way to the top.
If they lose the House and don't take the Senate and Presidency their in deep chit, luckly for them the Repubs have no ba**'s and unlike the Dems won't get even once they get in power.
But then there's Trump, you can love him or hate him but it needs to be understood he's a very dangerous person when it comes to business, he doesn't take hostages, he gets even and to him getting even is to totally destroy anyone who attacks him, it might not happen tomorrow, or even in a year, but when it happens the person who crossed him will think the sun blew up in his face.
And that's the kind of guy I think we need running the US.