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CDF Mission and Principles

The Civilian Defense Force Mission

The Civilian Defense Force is an all-volunteer community-based civic organization dedicated to defending and protecting our neighborhoods from threats that may overwhelm existing safeguards. These threats may include natural disaster, the activities of foreign adversaries on American soil, or domestic lawlessness and oppression. We stand in opposition to those who seek to reduce or otherwise tamper with our constitutional rights or would interfere with the free exercise thereof, including via means of coercion such as intimidation through violence. We train to present a strong, united response when faced with crises such as these, to protect our lives and the lives of our neighbors; our property; and our established way of life. We do this without regard to race, creed, or religion, and with an abiding respect for the United States Constitution and the laws which spring from it.

Our Guiding Principles

The Civilian Defense Force is a volunteer, equal opportunity organization that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We strive to provide a welcoming environment for all, members and non-members alike.

We promote that our members should strive for tolerance with other members of like and dissimilar backgrounds. Differences, if they arise, are to be approached with maturity and graciousness to each other. To the extent possible, we strive to honor each other in the area of personal differences to minimize friction in deference to our united vision. We remind members that our common loyalty to the mission and purpose of CDF is our uniting focus. We affirm individual differences and welcome all into our ranks.

We do not endorse and are not affiliated with other organizations that are premised on racial, sexual, sexual orientation or any other special political interest. We encourage local units to collaborate with other local organizations of like values to CDF in support of our mission. In the event of uncertainty, local unit leaders are encouraged to engage national leadership for direction.

We do not endorse current attempts at militant multiculturalism. We do not believe America is by-and-large a racist country, and we refuse to be threatened or intimidated into somehow “recognizing” that we are. Our nation is multicultural as a matter of course, and has been for a very long time; we reject the idea that we must now be coerced into recognizing this as both patently incorrect and dangerously ill-considered. To the extent that members of differing cultures wish to volunteer with the CDF, our ranks will reflect that multiculturalism naturally. We oppose any attempt to artificially interfere with that process in any way or to any particular ends.

We utterly reject “identity politics”. Our organization embraces freedom of thought and equality under the law.

We respect and vow to protect the right of all Americans to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the rights protected for us by the United States Constitution, including the right of every American to assemble, demand redress of grievances, and have their voice heard; but we oppose those voices that rise to violence, intimidation, and destruction in furtherance of fundamentally anti-American agendas that disregard our American rights and ignore the rule of law. We dedicate ourselves to defending our neighbors and countrymen from those who seek, through these nefarious and lawless means, to disrupt the free exercise of our civil rights.

We expressly denounce the terrorism, rioting, and violent civil disobedience that is currently engulfing our country, disturbing our peaceful American way of life without regard to our Constitution and other laws. Moreover, we call out the radical elements in this country that have inspired a revolutionary insurrection against that way of life and the peaceful people who practice it.

We respect and support law enforcement at every level, from local police to the DEA, Homeland Security to the Border Patrol. We vehemently oppose those who want to defund/disband our law enforcement agencies while smugly justifying violence against the officers thereof. We vow to “have the backs” of all of our brothers and sisters who maintain the thin blue line against lawlessness and aggression, so long as they bear true faith to the United States Constitution and to the original principles of Liberty codified by the Bill of Rights.

We support the right of every American to keep and bear arms, and will bear allegiance to the effort to oppose further gun control. We support the right of every American to a swift and fair trial, due process of law, the right to keep and own property, the right to privacy, and protection against unwarranted search and seizures. We oppose efforts to apply unequal justice, to deprive Americans of property, or to extend government and corporate surveillance into private lives.

We specifically oppose the movement to dismantle the fabric of our American society to replace it with a Marxist/communist/socialist one.

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